Monday, November 25, 2013

Mandalas From Tibet

Tibetan Mandalas

  The Tibetan Monks are most famous for creating mandalas from colored sand. Monks study for about three years to learn all the symbols to be used in creation of a mandala. They learn the geometric shapes to be used and strive to become one with their work as they add sand to the creation. In most cases, four monks create four sections of the mandala each, with a helper that colors in the outlines they make in the mandala. The eight must work as one person and that is the beauty of creating the mandala in the first place.
    It is interesting to know that after spending weeks and weeks making the Tibetan sand mandalas a broom is taken to the creation and the sand is collected and taken to the nearest body of water. It released into the water so that all that use the water will benefit from the blessings of the mandala. Think of the mentality of those monks that created the masterpiece only to have it brushed away. This would truly take a feat of selflessness.
    There are a set of plans and instructions for creating mandalas within each spiritual entity. There are set symbols and set rituals for creating the symbols. There is often a set order in which to place the symbols. Constructing a mandala is sometimes painstakingly intense, yet that is the beauty of creating one.

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